Amy Taubin wrote a lovely article in last November's Artforum about Michel Auder. I like his attitude, the so-distinctly-French balance of "fuckitall" nihilism and hyper-awareness of what is precious and beautiful. That psyche is the core of the little bits of his video work I have seen. Taubin delicately corralled him in with Jonas Mekas and Warren Sonbert, what she calls "avant-garde film diarists". They also happen to be my two secret heroes.
There is so much of Mekas to be found freely, which I'd bet is thanks in large part to his own ambition to be seen, his loud charisma. I recently attempted a research paper dedicated to Warren Sonbert, an experience in itself through which I came to see him as a kind of internet specter. If you ever find yourself with the opportunity to see "Friendly Witness", count yourself lucky (hint: call me). I see traces of his aesthetic influence everywhere, while trying to track down some of his own work is like trying to catch your own shadow (yes, the peter pan reference is deliberate). What a shame, when his abilities to capture and curate are closer to than anything I've ever encountered to perfection. So it seems fitting that this eleven-second snippet is one of the only free talismans left to us.
Warren Sonbert from jeff scher on Vimeo.