I just found out that the poet Jack Gilbert lives where I live! This is an entertaining and rich interview, which I enjoyed wildly even though I am no traditional poetry reader. He might convert me. He talks in his peculiar way about falling in love, aloneness, literary pornography, wanderlust, youthdreams, san francisco...oh it's so fantastic.
Can you describe your life in Northampton in recent years?
Happiness. I’m in the midst of absolute beauty, quiet. A lot of being alone. I walk in the morning, then I listen to the news, then I eat something and start working.
You’ve said before that you don’t miss being young.
Oh, of course I miss being young.
How is that different from not minding growing old?
Growing old is a mistake. It seems natural that we die and grow old. It’s part of the bargain. You get to be young for a long time and then you start to get old. It’s also a wonderful time, but it’s a different kind of wonderful.
this is not the same guy, but it's okay: