the sixth elephantitis mix of this season is dedicated to life improv! what? its what my therapist calls those moments that you are totally wild and all those evil little deliberations are gone and you do weird honest awesome stuff, like do little dances because you just remembered that kitten youtube video you saw last night, or do facial exercises in public, or spontaneously sprint, or ditch class because its perfect whistling weather. it sounds like being drunk but its not, we swear. also for the record, I have always hated the word improv because it reminds me of being a chronically shy 8 year old forced to join the JCC summerstock. but I made an exception in this case. I tried to put songs on here that you might be happy to get stuck in your head or get super excited to try and cover. thus, per usual, tis a mixed bag, and rightly so, as there very well might be something for anyone. they're in no particular order because they're meant to stand on their own. skip around! or whatever.
beep! many snuggles to you.
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